
Each team member has a Markdown file in people/_posts/. File names are join date followed by first and last name, like YAML follows:

layout: member
title: Sarah Anderson
position: Principal Investigator
handle: sna
twitter: sna8
orcid: 0000-0002-1671-2286
image: /images/people/sarah.anderson.v2
cv: /pdfs/people/sarah-anderson-cv.pdf

More markdown content goes here.

Tags layout, title, position, handle, image are required, while twitter, github, cv, orcid, google scholar, linkedin, calendar are optional. The image should be a square image (300x300 or 400x400, etc.). All member images and PDFs should be placed in images/people/ and pdfs/people/ respectively.

After the topper matter, one can write more description content using the Markdown syntax. For more information check the Markdown style guide.


Each paper lives in publications/_posts/. File names, used to construct permalinks, are first author plus short (1-2 word) title, for example Papers have the following YAML metadata:

layout: publication
title: "The B73 maize genome: complexity, diversity, and dynamics"
image: /images/publications/Schnable2009.gif
authors: Schnable PS, Ware D, Fulton RS.
year: 2009
ref: Schnable et al. 2009. Science.
journal: Science
pdf: /pdfs/publication/Schnable2009.pdf
doi: 10.1126/science.1178534

# Abstract

More content goes here.

Tags layout, title, image, authors, year, ref, journal are required. Tags pdf, supplement, github are optional. The image should be a square image. All paper images and PDFs should reside in images/publications/ and pdfs/publications/ respectively.


Each project has a Markdown file in projects/_posts/. File names are join date followed by first and last name, like YAML follows:

layout: post
title: Epigenomic project
description: Maize Epigenomic Variation Project
author: Nathan Springer
image: /images/projects/epigenomic-variation.jpg

**Aim 1. Discover epialleles in maize**. 

**Aim 2. Determine the causes and assess the stability of maize epialleles**. 

Tags layout, title, author are required, while description, link, cv, image are optional. The image should be a square image file. All project images and PDFs should be placed in images/projects/ and pdfs/projects/ respectively.

To add or update photos to the photo gallery, simple upload photos to images/photos